The Cyclical Decorations leaflet explains the process we'll follow when redecorating your home.
Homeowners' Handbook
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
In the handbook you will find useful details on a range of topics relating to your lease and to Partners services.
The electronic handbook has been updated and replaces the old paper version.
Major Works and Service Charge Challenges Leaflet
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Noise Information Leaflets
Thursday, July 20, 2023
Your home is not soundproofed because it is expensive and there is no legal requirement for it. You must be mindful that sound will travel easily between homes and you should consider how you can minimise this.
Dealing with Damp and Condensation
Thursday, July 20, 2023
Condensation can cause dampness and mould growth in your home.
This guidebook explains how condensation forms and how you can keep it to a minimum.
Tenants' Handbook and Islington Council's Tenancy Conditions